I have lots of things I like to do these days - in true fashion at 21 months - I've got people to see, places to go and things to do! Here are a few of my favorite things these days:
Birthday parties! Who doesn't love a birthday party? There is cake, lots of other goodies typically, toys and toddlers galore to play with - did I mention I like to play with my friends gifts and often question why I can't take them home with me? I LOVE a party .... imagine that!
Giving Audrey a birthday hug! Playing with the newly one year old Audrey! Attempt at a group photo - this picture says some many things:)We recently celebrated our friend Hayes's 2nd birthday and Mother Goose made an appearance:
Sweet Caroline and Catherine Ellis waiting on Mother Goose to arrive! Shushing with Mother Goose - we were singing an nursery rhyme.
Play dates - another opportunity for me to spend time with some of my favorite peeps - here are a few of my recent play dates:
Playing in the water fountain at McWane with Cyatt
(Wyatt in non-toddler language)
Building a tower Making a little music I LOVED the snow exhibit at McWane!
I love McWane Playground time - what's not to love about a slide, a see-saw and a swing?:
SwingingPreparing to slide
SlidingCrafts - I love to color and make things - this is my latest creation at school - my very own Kentucky Derby hat:
Cooking - it's a nightly activity in our home (well 5 nights a week!) - Catherine Ellis loves to 'help cook':
What wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing CE's many adventures with us.