Fall 2014

Fall 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cutest actress ever

Caroline's school had their annual Christmas program and as usual, it did not disappoint.  Caroline is quite the budding actress, so we couldn't wait to see what she'd been working on for weeks!  Her class was so cute and they all did so well.  Lots of budding actors and actresses in that group.

They did a little act about a Christmas tree - and it was so cute!  Caroline was a red bird and did her part so well.

Sweet little class

It was short and sweet - hard to get three-year-olds to focus longer than two-three minutes right? These teachers know their stuff.  We ADORE Ms. Octavia and Ms. Quetta...they are angels in disguise, for sure.  So much patience and love for our wee ones.

 The wee Christmas tree

 Caroline flapping her red bird wings ...

Caroline was loud and clear and knew her part perfectly .... a huge surprise to us since we couldn't get a peep out of her about her play.  She likes to string us along!

 Taking over the show

Catherine Ellis was upset that she couldn't see Caroline perform, therefore we promised a video.  Of course our phone died right as we got to Caroline's part, but you can see a wee bit of her cutest:

 Our sweetest wee

It was a great program - always bittersweet to see our babies grow up so fast.  I can't believe we have one more Christmas program at Rushton before both girls are in elementary schools.  I'm so thankful for technology so we can cherish the sweet memories.  

 Cutest Pre-K III class ever!

Love these ladies so!

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