Fall 2014

Fall 2014

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Caroline Cain - 2.4 years

Caroline Elizabeth Cain - how are you two years and five months?!  You are so full of life - you know how the story goes - you had colic, you screamed for months and we worried about you being a whiny, needy child - well boy did you show us!  You've not been that child at all!

You're spunky as they come, delightful in most every way, a nutty little girl that loves to get a good laugh and your sister's biggest fan!  You have more personality than one could ever wish for!  The Cain house is overflowin' with personality, y'all!  Just come see for yourselves!

October 15, 2013 - 2 years and 5 months

So what is your cute little self up to these days:
  • your biggest accomplishment since our last update is that you are PAPPIE FREE!  You read that right folks.  This little girl has been pappie free since the beginning of August - two months now!  You dropped it pretty easily - you were sad for a few days, and of course woke up really early (4:30-5:00 a.m.) for a few weeks, but those were the only hiccups.  You still ask for it every once in a while, but you know wee babies use them and you're a big girl now (tear from Mama!).  We're SO proud of you!

  • you have all your teeth - the two years molars have finally cut all the way through and you love to use those chompers to eat and unfortunately bite.  You were our biter.  Your sister was the bittee - so naturally you'd be the biter.  At the height you were biting your friends at school 3-4 times a day - you earned yourself a "shadow" and finally within a few weeks you were over the biting stage.  This mama sure did earn a few gray hairs worrying how many friends we were going to lose at school if you kept it up!  But as usual, it was just a phase.  Every now and again you use it only as a last resort to get results.  Bless us all.

  • you have a great appetite - you LOVE food.  You'll eat just about anything or at least try anything once.  We can feed you a smorgasbord of stuff and you're happy.  
  • you're talking up a storm finally - complete sentences and we can understand about 80% of what you say.  The other 20% your sister translates for us - it's unreal how well Catherine Ellis can understand Caroline language!
  • you're awfully sweet.  You love to give kisses and hugs and you are a very polite two year old most days.  Thank you is a favorite word these days.  You even tell Mommy thank you at the grocery store when I put things in the buggy - it makes me feel so appreciated:)  

  • you love to help Mommy cook.  Sometimes it's even too early for you to cook - which is saying A LOT!
  • you've got a bit more hair than you did at two, but it's slow growing.  You've still not had your "first haircut" and I'm sure you'll not need one until well into 2014.  One of the main reasons you don't need a haircut is because you are curly-headed!  Finally - one of our babies has that gorgeous curly hair!
  • your ears have finally given you a break! You've not had an ear infection since June when we had to go back to the ENT and have your ears suctioned.  You were NOT a fan of that.  Hopefully we'll never have to do it again.
  • you're a mime - everything your big sister does, you have to do.  You copy her every move.  You want to be just like her.
  • you love your friends, god-siblings and people in general - you're a people lover!  The apple didn't fall far from the tree with two parents who are HUGE extraverts.

  • you still love your blankets - you sleep with two.  The one we brought you home from the hospital in and the one Ms. Hackney gave you.
  • you adore baby dolls and playing house.  You are such a good little mama.  They call you "little mama" at school because - shocker here people - you're in charge, hands on and make sure that the classroom runs correctly and all of your friends and baby dolls are minding!
  • you lost the only teacher you've known at Rushton - Ms. Karen - last week.  She got a great job that is in line with her degree and while we're super proud of her, we're sad.  You're missing her so!
  • Bath time and anything water related are still super fun for you!

  • You have a great sense of humor - love to play games of all kinds: hide-n-seek is a favorite these days!

  • you too love a park and Chick-Fil-A dates with the Nations

  • your favorite songs are: Twinkle, Twinkle and You Are My Sunshine.  You're pretty good at Twinkle, Twinkle:

Sweet Caroline, we're crazy about you!  You've brought even more joy to our family than we thought was possible!  Thank you for your love of life, thrill of living life on the wild side and your constant spunkyness! We love you as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sky, sweet girl!

Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing.  You hold my future.

Psalm 16: 5

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