At 27 months here are some of the wonderful things we are experiencing and you are learning about the world:
- you talk in complete sentences now; you can communicate your feelings, thoughts, opinions, anything verbally. You can repeat EVERYTHING someone else says.
- you can count to 15 easily
- you know all of your primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, brown
- you love to color - still haven't colored on anything but paper but that's only because we watch you like a hawk - oh wait there was that one time you colored with a sharpie on Mommy's leather passenger seat - lovely:)
- you're a super duper fabulous big sister - you are so helpful with your sister and love being with her! For this we are very thankful!
- you play well with other children - you haven't met a stranger yet
- you still love being outside, even if it's 100 degrees and it is frequently these days
- you love your 'new car' and can pick it out in a parking lot no matter how many other cars are there
- you love school, your teachers and your play mates
- reading is still a favorite - you've memorized several books and frequently like to read to Mommy and Daddy and now days baby sister
- you LOVE your baby dolls, they go with you everywhere and do many of the things your baby sister does
- you like grocery shopping at Publix - I think mainly because you get a free cookie - a girl after my own heart:)
- you will eat just about anything - still love fruits and veggies and chicken and pizza
- you sleep well - you go to bed around 7:30-8:00 and rise at 7:00-7:15 during the weekdays and sometimes after 8-9 a.m. on the weekends
- you love riding in the stroller and going for walks
- you are a diva - Hollywood watch out
- dance parities make your day - and your parents
- bossy, bossy, bossy
- well behaved for the most part - in public you are typically very well-behaved, at home you have your moments, but you're allowed!
- you have the memory of a historian - you hear it once and you never forget it!
- developmentally you are making leaps and bounds at school and we are so proud!
And here she is with her sweet sister this morning - they often sit together while Catherine Ellis teaches Caroline all about the world ... Caroline is usually pretty compliant but not this morning - she did not want to hear what Catherine Ellis was preaching:
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